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The North Queensland Natural History Group (NQNHG) has formed to learn, share and enjoy north Queensland’s natural history, and to support the sustainable management of the natural values of the region. NQNHG has a wide range of first-hand knowledge of natural history to be shared both among its members and the community at large, including traditional owners, pastoralists, conservation land managers and other interested parties. NQNHG encourages participation by anyone with a passion for the natural riches of the region. The group aims to promote citizen science, environmental sustainability, ecosystem services, protected areas and any other land of environmental value as assets to landowners and the community. The association produces a journal called the “North Queensland Naturalist”.


NQNHG, with ornithologist Ray Pierce, are undertaking a study of a population of Gouldian Finches. Please contact us if you are interested in being involvedHere is the latest update on the project.


We undertake regular field events to properties in North Queensland such as Barrabadeen Scout Camp at Lake Tinaroo, Beatrice River Retreat, a property on Walsh River Rd and most recently South Endeavour Station near Cooktown (field weekends and assisting with a bio-blitz). 


We have a couple more outings in the pipeline. Please contact us to register interest in any of our activities.


Volume 54 (2024) of the North Queensland Naturalist is underway, with six articles available online. Click here for Volume 54 (2024)

Field Work


NQNHG undertakes at least two field events each year to collect and document field data.

Natural History


To share and increase knowledge of the natural attributes of north Queensland

Aims of NQNHG

Aims of the North Queensland Natural History Group


  1. To produce a journal called the “North Queensland Naturalist” (​

  2. The group’s geographic scope is tropical Queensland – any part of the state north of the Tropic of Capricorn including far-inland, coastal and adjacent marine areas – and including neighbouring areas for which no similar organisation exists

  3. To collect and document data relating to the natural attributes of north Queensland, with data to be formally recorded and information made available to those who can put it to constructive use

  4. To provide data and information to landholders and land managers to help them recognise and manage the ecosystems, flora and fauna of their properties in a sustainable manner

  5. To share with and increase knowledge of the natural attributes of north Queensland

  6. To provide this knowledge to the general community

  7. With consent, to promote the development of and support the work of Indigenous Ranger Groups and Traditional Owners.

  8. To foster an interest in flora and fauna to the younger generation, and to mentor young people to this end

  9. To work with and complement individuals, corporations, groups and organisations –  including NRM groups, government departments managing protected areas, biologists, community groups and universities.

  10. To promote citizen science, environmental sustainability, ecosystem services, protected areas and any other land of environmental value as assets to landowners and the community, and assist with development and implementation of management plans.

  11. To investigate, interpret and seek improvements to legislation affecting the natural attributes of the region

  12. To seek funding to further the aims


North Queensland Natural History Group Inc.

PO Box 952, Ravenshoe, Qld 4888


Our aim is to investigate, document and appreciate the flora and fauna of north Queensland


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