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The group is about the study and conservation of the Magnificent Broodfrog Pseudophyrne covacevichae. This beautiful small frog is restricted to the western edges of the Wet Tropics and inhabits very specialised habitat, namely the small creeks and soaks in the high country from Mt Baldy west of Atherton down the Ravenshoe area, with other small outlying populations to the west of Paluma. These areas also happen to be earmarked for industrial scale wind turbine installations that will see great disturbance to their fragile habitat

Field Weekends

The North Queensland Natural History Group has undertaken field surveys of numerous properties in north Queensland in recent years. Accounts of some of these are presented HERE


Please understand that the properties we visit are private properties and not open to the general public. If there is anything you would like to know about these field trips please contact NQNHG, do not contact the property owners

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