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The group is about the study and conservation of the Magnificent Broodfrog Pseudophyrne covacevichae (referred to hence as 'MBF'. This beautiful small frog is restricted to the western edges of the Wet Tropics and inhabits very specialised habitat, namely the small creeks and soaks in the high country along the top of the Great Dividing Range. These areas also happen to be earmarked for industrial scale wind turbine installations that will see great disturbance to their fragile habitat


Adult male Magnificent Broodfrog

MBF tadpole - photo Wise Lum

Adult female MBF

The MBF is one of Australia’s least known amphibian species. It inhabits mainly seepage areas and small ephemeral streams below ridgetops, on rocky volcanic substrate in the Ravenshoe district (confined to an area of 48km by 12km) as well as a recently discovered population close to Paluma (confined to an area of 11km by 4km), 160km southeast from the Ravenshoe population. The area between these two populations has yet to be surveyed systematically for the species, however it is possible that they occur in isolated populations within this area.


Limited action had been taken on the Magnificent Broodfrog Recovery Plan (2000-2004)


This is despite the increasing threat posed by the impending industrialisation of its habitat.


During the North Queensland Threatened Species Symposium in February 2021 the MBF was identified as one of the species most under threat in the region. An outcome of the Symposium was the formation of the Magnificent Broodfrog Working Group to resurvey the population distribution and assess threats. The Magnificent Broodfrog Working Group comprises an association of concerned citizens, scientists, NGOs and Government Officials.




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